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  • Writer's pictureHayley Simons

Museums and Their Artefacts

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

A vital part of learning history is the gateways that are provided to us, museums. Museums are amazing, they’ve been around for centuries, housing, preserving and protecting the

historical objects that represent our heritage.

In my mind there is nothing better then walking around a museum and examining its collection of treasures that are hundreds even thousands of years old. I'm fascinated by what a museum holds, how does it operate and how did it begin. Follow the links below to find out more on the history of museums.

While these institutions are brilliant, they’re also problematic, facing several issues. One such issue is the debate around ownership of objects. Why is that? Well, there was once a time when Empires ruled, and ‘finder’s keepers’ was the general rule of things. But like all things, times change and we’re entering an international debate whether or not to return artefacts that have been classed as 'stolen'.

People wonder all the time, why should we give objects back?

How did this relic get classified as stolen? Why is that collection so important?

How did this all come to happen in the first place?

These are the questions we shall be discussing in my following blog posts, with facts and current affairs on objects that are seemingly sitting in the wrong museum.

LETS BEGIN! Our next discussion is one I think you'll be quite familiar with.

Read the next post to find out more!

Also If you're wondering where I get all my info from head over to the sources page to check out my references!!!

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