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Welcome to the sources page, this is where I get all my academic information

The Parthenon Marble

Beard, M. (2010). The Parthenon. London: Profile Books.

 King, D. (2007). The Elgin Marbles. London: Arrow.

 Yannis Hamilakis (1999) ‘Stories from Exile: Fragments from the Cultural Biography of the Parthenon (or ’Elgin’) Marbles’, World Archaeology, 31(2), p. 303.

 Angouri, J., Paraskevaidi, M. and Wodak, R. (2017) ‘Discourses of Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis: The Case of the Parthenon Marbles’, Journal of Sociolinguistics, 21(2), pp. 208–237

 Brysac, S. B. (1999) ‘The Parthenon Marbles custody case: did British restorers mutilate the famous sculptures?’, Archaeology, (3), p. 74

National Geographic

London Guide

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